Welcome to The Garden Room, Wretham.

Everybody has difficulties in life from time to time, and attempting to make sense of what has happened can leave us feeling anxious, helpless, awkward, out of control and 'all at sea.'  When this happens our behaviour can change, you may feel out of sorts, alien and uncomfortable in your sense of self. Life is challenging enough without this added unease.  Finding a supportive environment, to explore what's going on for you, help to restore your inner calm  and establish a way forward that works for you, therefore becomes important.

The Person- Centred approach can be described as a road trip where I join you in the passenger seat. You are the one driving the car- I sit alongside you and notice the things that you have missed, I will help you reflect on your journey and maybe help you with the onward journey if that's what you want, but It's your road trip, your route and the destination and speed are yours to decide.